Vaudeville: Are You Not Entertained?
Source of inspiration with unknown direction
A(muse)me(a)nt park upon reflection
Fair-way to exhibit art with no vestibule
She arrived, so mu-se-um at the festival
Later that day, we trade(d) show(s) at the cabaret
After hour airshow over the theatre, no Kid ‘n Play
She leaned in for a cir-cus at the nightclub
Fireworks sparked performance art at the right pub
Her laughter, I adored twice like a French Door
In sync backdrop — Hans Zimmer film score
Orchestra of my mind, how did they compos(h)er?
Defrosted my BPM ice show with unreal composure
The right symphony for the night — I’ll bite
Acquire the choir when it’s love at first sight
Elated at this fraudulent Udemy known as con-cert
A believer of magic? She made me convert