UFO (Uniting For Outrage)
You left o — pen
Mass hysteria
Throughout this area
Attack would be the default
Humanity’s favorite form
Of paranormal activity
Like grounding Ed White
Destined for space flight
Somehow, always caught by the Navy
Aliens touch down
Citizens at Waffle House
Stuffing their faces with gravy
Maybe, too lazy
To form an expression
Kardashev Scale used
Gauges their first impression
Humanity as a whole
Enlisted in a collective session
Possibly, taught
Selfishness is an afterthought
Thinking more planetary
I just shook one of their hands
Are you sure this is sanitary?
Most people are disgusting
Germs everywhere — Whole planet(s) scary
Would we give them a chance?
Extend a hand or lance?
Government calls Space Force
Of course!
Glimmering light in the sky
What’s the protocol?
This saucer appears spherical
Photo ball
Another UFO detected
Earth destination selected
All life forms protected
Humans deemed false prophets
Unlimited expanse
Earning wages & false profits
Human IQ’s still in reality’s basement
Aliens arrive
Peacefully designating
Humanity’s placement
Earth’s axis approaches a tipping point
Attention passes by
Fire in the sky has people skipping joint
Light a fire under species
Turned brains into feces
Seeking new residency
Obligations pull one back
In the form of hesitancy
Must hold my — cool
Carefully choose action
Before put to sleep like Jackson
Wishing for an interplanetary tour
Human experience
There must be more
This Is It?