Member-only story
Second Chances
Stuck in the same place for so long
Stagnation and status quo, so long…
Waving goodbye — previous properties
Landing so wrong
Atop of the world, sleeping on — crest
Quest for best — seldom coming upon rest
Position between — wavelength
Faced with commandments — waved tenth
Charging Ki
At will, raising — frequency
Stillness of mind
Bind — so infrequent, see?
Lines sick as a COVID cough
Infections lifting those from — trough
Beautiful exterior, but — ugly heart?
Six feet apart — turned on, then off
No time for an attitude
Attracting those living in gratitude
As the vibration rises
Surprises, increasing amplitude
Speed of thought, in this period
Hidden memories — peer thee' id
Continuous ceiling and basement tapping
After running the base — meant clapping