Palette Swap (Jones Effect)
I’ll have what you’re having
Holidays — Attention-grabbing
What is the ignition for tradition?
Do we need to sing for a new edition?
Even if you don’t celebrate
A calendar sets the date
Birthday — Can’t escape
That’s fate
Told to get it straight
Cut the cake — Get a plate
Present presents with a familiar presence
In-laws whine less with more wine
Long ago, decided to veer from beer
Tall bottles with no buzz — Everclear
4th of July, sparks fly — Why?
Placed within a construct of no one’s doing
Focused on what no one’s doing
Being is always moving
Not fixated on proving
Rinse & repeat existences
Breaking through is what persistence is
Navigating a sea of labels
Placed on Thanksgiving tables
Turkey & Gravy?
Please, Lord, save me
Not religious
Internally expeditious
Society’s factitious
Scrapped the wishlist
How the Grinch said Fu*k Christmas
All of this for a nonexistent generation
Every moment is waking preparation
A smile — They will rarely experience separation
More than a palette swap
Anyone that fits in is an ‘opp’
Remedial so-da pop
Plant seeds now
Fulfill the crop
Everyone born — We never worn
From the blank canvas…
Immediately torn
Umbilical to cyclical
Some say…
Until I see a change in behavior
Positive but cynical