Outer, Inner, & In | Between Space
Outer Space
Before physical space, there exists infinite space. A space incomprehensible to mental space because it exists in no space. Once there is a dividing space, this creates space for spaces. These spaces are observed separately but remain interconnected, as is evident while observing lower or higher spaces.
Before we continue, we should identify what space is.
Space — The primary expanse and identification of division between chaos & order.
This spatial definition will have to do, as this piece is my space which is about as popular as MySpace or telling you to stay at least 6 feet from my space while standing on a doormat that says “My Space with a face mask that says…."
People would feel out of place without a space. Every space exists within a grander space, while we orbit in outer space, which is only a singular space. Wherever we go, we occupy space. In some cases, we even think we own space. Home, for instance, is our space because someone else’s home is their space. Within this space exists individual and designated space. When our minds exist in the hunger space, we take ourselves to the kitchen space. As a family prepares to watch a movie in the Living Room, each member identifies with a particular comfort space. The entertainment operator reaches somewhere in the couch space, grabs the remote, and turns on the TV to animate what was before a blank space. It is interesting to observe how a singular space (home) encapsulates the potential for infinite types of space. While leaving home, there is a degree of space before entering another’s space or the natural space.
As we exit material ownership, each person identifies with personal space. Of course, this space goes well beyond the confines of our physical shell. Innately, we are aware of someone or something entering our space. This spatial awareness is not exclusive to humanity but all sentient beings through nearly endless means of expression. How do we intuitively understand when we are encountering another’s space, and if this overlap in space is positive or negative?
Take social spaces, which now, more than ever, exist in inanimate spaces due to continuous COVID 19 traces that require citizens to stay in distant spaces. Face it; the avatar is the space where our internet face is. The particular digital space determines the use of the actual face. Without stepping into a spiritual space, the internet acts as a digital resurrection space. An infinite expanse made relative to our existence where one can exist in any space while sitting in place.
This pandemic provides common spaces regardless of race. Unfortunately, it still includes a rat race with unnatural paces leading to premature 6 feet spaces as we witness billionaires entertaining space races of all places. At the same time, landlords gear up to place tenants in homeless spaces. This external space needs to be erased from my personal space while the world exists in a purgatorial space.
Depending on one’s perspective, the fortunate exist within a natural space. A natural space in this context refers to an environment unencumbered by the viral nature of human space. More often than not, when one wants to clear or hear their headspace, this is where they find themselves.
With the introduction of headspace, we enter the inner space.
Inner Space
Environment combined with what’s wired in
Clean conscious or conscious of expired sin?
Led by those who should be retired kin
Damaged coping mechanisms, so required gin
Thought processes guided by the Silently produced Boom
Stagnant frameworks created mentally transduced doom
Insanity calamity — Should one reach for profanity or urbanity?
Internal births the external, so we can break free of this inanity.
In the 21st century, it is critical to remain mindful of the internal space. If we do not, it is fairly easy to slip into a depressive or anxious space, especially when the internal space is constantly networking within the networked space. How does one manage this internal space with nonstop notifications and screens in nearly every establishment? Forgotten generations struggle mentally as they experience changes to what established meant.
Middle school millionaires, through social influence, make some grab bottles & drown under the influence while being over the influence of older generations who refuse to relinquish control of the collective cerebral space. If you fall into this category, I suggest meditation to align mind, body, and soul. Taught to enter the collegiate space to wind up in a financially disparaging space. Sure, it works out (and is necessary) for some, but in most cases, why educate oneself to only increase the financial sum for some? There is no desire to enter into a negative space, but I am positive some of you can relate. Would we possess healthier inner spaces if everyone operated externally from their internal spaces?
Rewind minds to a space when becoming an astronaut was sought. Before, “you will make a lot of money” doing “XYZ” was taught. Before habits settled in and curiosity was caught. Before, the media was social, and everyone was offered a penny per thought.
Before the written word turned into a jot. Don’t let currency capsize your inner space in this current sea unless, of course, you have a yacht. Mindfully present should forever be the vision’s current see. Empty the space of the status quo to distress the inner space. Maybe then, we will tap into the readiness potential space, which seems to operate in an in |between space.
In | Between Space
Life|Death — Light At once, Darkness
Emerging out of meditative stillness.
The Moment between the final push and the cries of a newborn.
Noise|Silence — The absence of noise Becomes deafening
Dream|Awake — Consciousness Shifting from the dream state
Fight|Flight — Hardwired split|second Choice
A jammed parachute Instantly ejects.
The vibrations of a speaker’s voice Connecting with the listener.
Life-changing performances and standing ovation Gaps.
Crash|Bypass — Almost impactful impasse Gracing all parties
The Space occupying this piece and the next.