Hot Sauce with a Side of Scripture
Prayers carried
By carrier pigeon
Collection plate
Will you pitch in?
I play the background
You play the great
Even if the section’s eight
Ninja Gaiden
One section — Eight
Kitchen smells like Pepé Le Pew
Green herbs
Immune system protection
Wealthy one
Split into two
Infinite too
Sharks are Starks
Hollow hearts
System of defense
Not manipulated by suspense
Humanity married to love
Negativity ceases to dispense
Putting nothing material above
Energy renewal sketched on glove
Lacking definition of trash
Unless new rendition of cash
Philosophy — Recycle
Easy to buy into
Separate from fiat
Low ecological footprint
No Federal Reserve could mint
Manual drives been through
Paradigm shift
Automatically drift
Mesmerized, so memorized
Memory — Why open it?
When it’s Showtime
Movies don’t open IT
Internally goldmine
Jumbled alphabet
Sometimes, HBO
When the mind unwinds
Impossible to box office
Don’t close the curtains
Open blinds
Digital net fix
An owl flying by
Live in hoo lieu(s) of Netflix
Binging consciousness
Sleeping without prying eye
3rd eyes trapped
To the conscious hiss
Snakes in the grass
Wrapping minds at another mass
Thoughts of yesterday
In the wind
Just passed
Connect one with all
Beck and call