Graduation Day (All Cap)

Benjamin Workman
2 min readApr 11, 2022


22 couples

Each pair was 20–20 too

Early graduation in 2022

Vision — 20/20 too

Applause for an arduous cause

ALL CAPS across the stage

Diploma — Coordinates across the page

Manifesting a ghosting manifesto

Graduating to manifest ‘0

To start, we sit opposite of selected

Creator: Fant0men

Everything is connected

Infinite game — Finite is protected

Tap into the game, shark

Don’t tank

Make your Mark

Be a Maverick courtside linked with a Cuban

Creator: Elsa | Credit: Getty Images

Final Fantasy for the fan to see

Dreams synonymous with alarms

Status quo embraced — Open arms

Better to land on a Cloud

Strife with stars, but the average is proud

As if waking dreams are not allowed

Rather FanDuel

Be an owner’s fan mule

Making dough rolling out the dough for donuts

Stuck in a flat plane — Need more cake to layer

Dress up nicely, so they take the player

Rush Hour — Comedic Road to Perdition

Yield Signs— Slowed to permission

Uppercrust receives the uppercut

Might need a side-gig to receive another cut

Pop a cork for the quark — Can’t even see it

Remember how Bernie made off with that speedbag?

Early bird atop the pyramid

In the grand scheme of things…

The workforce works out to punch-clock promises

Bypass ATS to recognize the kind of con this is


In turn?

Resume is what they Heard Em’ Say

Late Registration — The position paused yesterday?

Inexperienced juggernauts looking to break through walls

Dragging out hiring processes, are they Ru Paul’s?

At the drop of a hat, positions — they do pause

Something about reviewing the pipeline

XL cap — Keystone Pipeline

Consequence caught on Cam




Benjamin Workman
Benjamin Workman

Written by Benjamin Workman

Founder of HireHarmony | Machiavelli meets Peter Petrelli | Poet | Recording Artist |

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