Digital Divide (Split Decisions)
Take what’s pivotal — Collide
Set all differences aside
Intuitive inferences provide
Technology wherever they reside
Don’t let this initiative subside
Framed around entertainment — Subscribed
Knowledge gaps under college caps
Global division loops economic collision
Governed by a nationalistic decision
Subconscious — Humanity’s provision
Need a break?
Take two…
Insanity’s incision
Now, take two
Tilt the cervical
Vertebrae interplay
Reality is not the atlas
Fully loaded — Don’t pat this
The pen acts as an axis
The script is surgical
Humanity’s internet
Barely an intern yet
Climate change led to a hard drive
Selfie — Discard I’ve
Captions are captains
Dopamine depleted — All aboard
We should have backed up
Skunkish existence — CPU
Traffic jam — RAM
One assumes the role of a scroller
The other holds the controller
Unattainable images control her
Algorithms invade
Overturn Roe v. Wade?
Please, share how they persuade
Influencer posts gloves from Sweden
Suede season
Fuzzy finishes without a reason
Designer — Design her
Next, dripped in Panda
Timmy Turner held the camera
Born from fairly odd parents
Background — Green slime
Fickle custodian
Working at Nickelodeon