Death Works to Create Re-Entry Space

Benjamin Workman
5 min readAug 8, 2021


Spiritual Autolysis — A process attributed to Jed Mckenna (Author/Alias) utilizes thought to eliminate itself until only Truth remains. There are endless truths experienced in this world relative to thought constructs or memetic frameworks established by humanity. 2+2 = 4. This is true within the mathematics framework, but it isn’t significant when it comes to Truth, as Truth exists before all knowledge. I will use this process to unravel the mystery of death through the written word. Demonstrating that physical death is merely a component of death.

**Note** This will read as a stream of consciousness, so the process of unraveling will (hopefully) be experienced by the reader as well. **Note**

First Attempt (8/4/21)

What is death? Well, the absence of life, of course. What is life? An experience for an indefinite period of spacetime attached to the illusion of psychological time through human perception. That sounds good, but human life is only a singular form of life. Try again. What is life? The state of awareness observing itself. Now, we are getting somewhere, but we have more concepts to address now. How would this proposed definition of life eventually observe death? Humans know they are aware while being aware. If there is a distinction between being and knowing, death starts with the end of knowledge. Not personal knowledge regarding our extension to the oneness of awareness—knowledge, in the sense of a dividing line between the observed and the observer.

All of the religious & spiritual leaders leave their followers and students in a perpetual state of wonder defined as fate. Scientists strive for a Quantum Theory of Gravity with an incomplete understanding of the mental device needed to complete this task. Either end of the spectrum leads us nowhere because they stem from an even more incomplete awareness of knowledge. Stay focused! See how easy it is to get caught in thought traps before letting go and experiencing being? From this standpoint, there are multiple deaths experienced before a spacetime death. Throughout our lives, we tailor our avatar…Stay on track! Death is an elusive topic, as it is always one moment away, so the mind tricks itself to steer clear of the subject. To really begin understanding death, there has to be a leap from knowledge to insight.

Second Attempt (8/6/21)

Where do we begin today? I suppose we can start with death being the absence of division. What is division, though? A movement away from oneness? Well, what is movement? Movement involves traversing through physical time, as movement is not possible from the perspective of death in the traditional sense. Movement involves knowledge (conscious/subconscious) as there is awareness of the illusion of separation to move. I believe we can move forward to physical time now. What is time, and what is physical time? Time is an intangible relative connection to all events existing from the perspective of division. Physical time, in particular, is the bridge between life and death. Psychological time is an illusory companion as our bodies physically deteriorate indefinitely. Now, once the faculties of the physical shell have failed, ego & personhood are vanquished. However, does this process translate to YOU dying?

From my present perspective, this physical death is a type of death, but it is not death. We can point to a few experiences to understand this concept. For example, how can you hear the voice inside your head if it is not making a sound? Or, is the observer communicating to the observed, which does not require a physical transmission of sound because they are the same? Anyway, we can also feel someone watching us, even though none of our senses can know their awareness. Then, we finally turn to insight. Insight, I believe, is the key to experiencing death through the physical shell instead of through its absence. Insight is a shift in perspective that does not require knowledge or time as it is experienced instantaneously. Since we cannot physically experience death, it is possible for the observer observing the observed to receive a form of insight once the tie to the physical realm is severed.

With this insight comes nothing. Death is nothing as it encompasses and sets the parameters for life. Life is always approaching death, as that is where it stems from. The process of being born is a continuation of a sequence from nothing to something. Nothing → Something involves a form of knowledge, as discussed earlier.

Therefore, death appears to be a never-ending process of observing itself through life.

Death is not the origin of life, as death either inherently knows its attachment to life, or it is in constant communication with a ground floor where all is always all ways. This ground floor provides a basis for the separation of life & death as these two concepts must be one for this illusion of separation to transpire. The ground floor is the origin of insight, and it is likely how we communicate with the voice in our head & receive thoughts from nowhere.

Attempt 3 (8/7/21)

Should psychological time be an illusion, we arrive, experience, and leave in the same moment, as there is only a singular moment. If this is the case, death is impossible to experience from the perspective of the ground floor. This continuous cycle of (life-death) & (death-life) eliminates the possibility of an Ultimate Death that ends everything. From this point, how we relate to death may change as it is only painful to forget the memories of this present experience. To recap, we are not our physical shells, so the observer must extend from the ground floor as we can experience death and life after their initial separation.

Attempt 4 (8/8/21)

As knowledge is accumulated unconsciously regardless of intellect, death encompasses the totality of expression. With language being a form of psychological knowledge, we can utilize this tool to approach an understanding of death, but only insight provides a glimpse of death-time.

While observing the state of humanity, it is apparent that psychological knowledge has been to the benefit and detriment of this existence. From my perspective, humanity needs to go through a psychological death to re-emerge in a state unconsciously directed by an insight that is consciously used to bring awareness through observation & listening. Easier said than done due to the digital nature of this human experience, but there is certainly a subset of the world population looking to experience a societal death. We have experienced pivotal transitions in human history involving physical death, but this is no longer necessary. As this Age of Information continues to transition to 4IR, this is an opportunity to deconstruct old thought patterns and architect a world that breathes new life into humanity. After all…

Death is only a moment away.

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Benjamin Workman
Benjamin Workman

Written by Benjamin Workman

Founder of HireHarmony | Machiavelli meets Peter Petrelli | Poet | Recording Artist |

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